Online Safety
Our children are growing up in a world where online technology is part of everyday life. It gives them exciting facilities to learn, play, communicate and express themselves. As a parent you might worry about the risks your child can face online - such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing inappropriate content.
At St Bede’s we are committed to helping our pupils become Digital Citizens who can access all the creative opportunities new technologies offer, in a responsible, safe and kindly way. Onlin safety is taught in Computing lessons in all 3 terms of the year including during the transition phase at the end of each year. The children also participate in Safer Internet Day in February each year.
We know that it can be a difficult task keeping up to date, with new apps and games constantly being released, and it can sometimes feel that our children know more than we do. That is why we are really excited to be able to share with you a new monthly Online safety newsletter. Please see the files below. Each month will have a specific focus game/app and will provide you with suggestions on how to keep your child safe when using these. There will also be general advice and tips and suggestions on how to talk to children about keeping safe online.
is a government organisation dedicated to keeping people safe online. You can click on this link if you want to report any inappropriate activity you or your child has experienced online.
Useful Links :
One Page Guides
Here are two examples of What parents need to know guides. They can be downloaded in the files below. They cover Facebook, Minecraft, Tiktok and other common applications.