‘Inspiring Independent Learners with Jesus by our Side’

Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Welch

Welcome to Reception!

Reception class teacher is Miss Welch. We will also have support from Miss Robson and Mrs Casse. 

Morning Drop Off:

Everyone should arrive between 8.45am and 8.55am. Anyone who arrives late (after 8.55am) should go to the school office where they will be let in the front door.


The end of the school day is now at 3.25pm. Children should be collected from the reception gate on the playground. 


Children should wear full school uniform. It is essential that all uniform is named as unnamed items can become lost and takes much longer to reunite with their owner. Please regularly check the names in your child's uniform throughout the year to check their name is still visible as washing can fade the names.

PE Kit:

Our PE day is Friday, children will come to school in their normal school uniform and get changed into their PE kits in the classroom. Children will leave their PE kits on their pegs throughout each term. At the end of the term, the children will bring home their PE kit to be washed. Our PE kit should include: a white PE t-shirt (with school logo or a plain t-shirt), green shorts, socks and trainers. 

What to Bring to School:

Water Bottle (with the child's name on) - filled with clean water each day.

Coat which must be named. Other items including a hat, scarf, gloves, sunhat depending on the weather (all named).

Book bags.

In Reception, we have a morning break where the children will be offered a piece of free fruit and milk. Reception children are ALL entitled to a free school meal but you may provide a packed lunch if you wish.

Reading Books:

This year the children will have 2 types of reading books in their book bags:

A phonically decodable book which matches your child’s level of phonics knowledge to practice the graphemes they have already learned. These will be changed every Friday.

A picture book from our class library for you to read to them. 

Please make sure that you child brings their book bag every day with these books inside so they can be checked and read with on any given day. Please also make sure that you are listening to or reading with your child every day and ask them questions about what they have read. When your child has read to you could please record the date, title and any comments in their green reading journal.

If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch with the school via email on admin@st-bedes.cheshire.sch.uk and they will pass the message on to us. Alternatively, you can catch me on the gate at the end of the school day. Many thanks for your support. 

All About Reception:

Reception Class at St. Bede's Catholic Primary School is a really special place to be.

During the Reception year, your child will learn to listen well, take part in conversations, become independent, resilient, confident to try new things, share, take turns and above all we hope that they will learn to love school and education.

The Early Year Foundation Stage is where we lay the foundations for future learning and we will do this in partnership with you.

Our Recepton children are very much part of our school family and take part in whole school assemblies, sport’s events and so much more.

At St. Bede's we truly believe that

‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential.  Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experience between birth and age 5  has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in it’s own right and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.’

            (DfE Statutory framework for EYFS 2021)   


The Foundation Stage (aged 3 - 5+) follows a curriculum with seven areas of learning.

 The Prime Areas are:

·         Personal Social and Emotional Development

·         Communication and Language

·         Physical Development

 The Specific Areas are:

·         Literacy

·         Mathematics

·         Understanding of the World

·         Expressive Arts and Design

Week Commencing 25th September 2023:

An overview of the topics we will be covering in each subject this term can be found in the 'Files to download' section below.

Files to Download

Reception: News items

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Reception: Blog items

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Reception: Gallery items

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Reception: Calendar items

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Contact Us

St Bede's Catholic Primary School

Keepers Lane, Weaverham,
Northwich, Cheshire

01606 852149


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