‘Inspiring Independent Learners with Jesus by our Side’

Sports Reports and Theme Days

PE and Sport Premium | Parkend Primary School

Sport and Activity Reports:

Y5/6 Cluster Dodgeball Event (Wednesday 5th July 2023):

Our final event of the year took place at St Nicholas. Usually, this is a popular and hectic tournament however due to end of year business some schools could not attend. As a result, only ourselves and St Mary's were present therefore the children who attended were mixed up and the event was run as a fun dodgeball session with a focus on allowing children to take part as much as possible. Overall, a nice way to finish off the competitive side of a sporting year.

Y5/6 Sports Week girls football event (Wednesday 21th June 2023):

Due to a clash with another Y5 event, we took a full Y6 side to the competition. There were 2 pools of  4 sides with the winners playing off for the title. Our girls were amazing, playing quality football, communicating well and getting stuck in. They were very unlucky to lose their first game 1-0 despite dominating but put this right with a  2-0 victory in the next game with goals from Millie and Gabriella. Unfortunately, we reverted back to game 1 for our final match, playing well but losing 1-0. This meant we didn't top the group but did get to play off against our pool 2 counterparts who we defeated 1-0 thanks to another goal from Gabriella. I can't praise the girls enough and they were a credit to the school along with the supportive parents who attended.

Y3/4 Sports Week Shooting Stars event (Tuesday 20th June 2023):

This event was a one off event linked to the Disney Shooting stars programme. Hosted at Winsford Academy (an moved indoors due to heavy rain) it was a chance for the girls to try out a range of physical activities in an inclusive environment. Well done to the 11 girls who attended and joined it. Feedback was only positive on your attitude and engagement.

KS2 Quadkids (Thursday 15th June 2023):

For the third time this week the sun shone down on one of our sports teams. Today it was the cluster quadkids event, a competition where everyone has to run a 600m, a 75m sprint, do a standing long jump and a howler throw. Scores from all 4 are combined to give each child an overall score, best team overall score wins!

16 pumped Y5 and Y6 children tackled the 4 events in between water and shade breaks, and the results were superb. Congratulations to Barney who won the boys overall event, to Florence who came second in the girls overall event and had the best overall 600m time and finally to Seren who won the girls overall event and posted the best overall 75m time and standing long jump. These performances, along with the rest of the team's results saw us take the overall victory too! Well done!

Mini Tennis Competition (Wednesday 14th June 2023):

Our second event of the week was again played out in blazing sunshine. Four of our Year 4 children made the short trip to Hartford Tennis club for the competition. Between regular breaks for shade and water, they competed in a range of matches and challenges (which were slightly edited) to account for the very hot weather!

The children, who'd had tennis session in school the previous term, acquitted themselves really well and played with a smile on their face throughout. Well done, a credit to the school! 

'It was great fun, I loved getting to play all the matches!' Samuel (Y4).

UKS2 Tri-golf Competition (Monday 12th June 2023):

Despite a last minute bus cancellation, staff pulled together and we were able to attend the event at the beautiful Vale Royal Abbey Golf club. The competition format consisted on the children playing a range of events using skills such as chipping, putting, accuracy and power. Working as a team our 10 children from Y5+6 had a go at all the challenges. They then had to repeat them a 2nd time with the overall winners being the team that improved the most. 

Under the baking sun, there was some brilliant teamwork and golfing which resulted in a fantastic 2nd place finish. Well done to all involved, staff and pupils!

UKS2 Orienteering Competition (Monday 15th May 2023):

Lovely weather greated us for our annual VRSSP orienteering competition at Hartford High School. The event allowed teams of 3 from UKS2 to complete in a challenge of speed and accuracy of map work. 

We entered 6 teams who worked hard to navigate the layout of Hartford Campus and locate as many markers as they could within a 20 miniute window. Teamwork and attitude was brilliant as always, and as soon as we have the results these will be shared with the children!

Year 6 football friendly vs Lostock Primary (Wednesday 3rd May 2023):

After the girls played out two exciting matches at the same venue just a few weeks ago, it was now the turn of the boys. The two events however were very different in style but  both equally exciting.

The boys lined up 7 vs 7 for two 15 minute halves. The weather was hot, the pitch a bit bobbly and the players were fully engaged. Both Patrick, Leo and Charlie went close in the 1st half but it ended 0-0. In the 2nd half we were playing up the hill, however we got an early break with the award of a penalty for handball. It was not to be though as Barney narrowly missed the resulting spot kick. The game continue to ebb and flow but neither side was able to break the deadlock, with keeper Tyler keeping us in the match a few times.

In the end 0-0 was a fair (albeit, slightly frustrating) result. We look forward to the return leg at St Bede's soon. 

Man of the Match=Tyler Williams.

UKS2 Dynamo cricket competition: (Wednesday 26th April 2023):

A day after our LKS2 children represented the school at cricket, it was the turn of the Year 5 and 6 children. A mixed team from both classes enjoyed the walk down to our local club, Weaverham, for our event.

The format consisted of teams of 8 batting in pairs for 2 overs each with each player bowling 1 over. Scores were then compared with the larger score winning. If you were out, runs were deducted rather than you not staying at the crease. 

With several events being played over the 2 days at a range of local clubs, there was only ourselves, Weaverham Forest and Cuddington in attendence to see which school would progress to the next stage. We started well with a strong victory over Weaverham Forest, but came unstuck vs Cuddington, so ended up in 2nd place. Well done again to all the children who put their hand up to join in, and did so with a smile and an encouraging attitide.

LKS2 Diamond cricket festival: (Tuesday 25th April 2023):

Our first event of the summer term today was our lower key stage 2 diamond cricket event at Winnington Cricket Club. The weather stayed dry and even a little bit sunny for us so we were able to enjoy a great morning of games.

With the festival format, the event was about getting as many children playing as many games as possible. Teams played in squads of 8s, either batting in 4s for 15 balls and then swaping or fielding for 30 balls. The side that scored the most runs over their 30 balls were the winners. In our 1st game we enjoyed a close victory 21-19 over Kingsmead thanks to some great fielding and wicket keeping. Second up, we played against Cuddington. Some good running saw them amass 36 off their 30 balls, and despite some great hitting we came up a few runs short. Our final game was our most exciting however. We lined up against Charles Darwin and played a 10 a side game (3 sets of 10 balls), both sides hit, ran and communicated well is a tense battle that saw a Thomas Coe single of our final ball lead to a 33-33 tie!

It was brilliant to see the progression in the childrens ability over just the 2 hours, and the attitude and enjoyment was second to none. Well done everyone involved.

The Big Walk and Wheel (Monday 20th March-Friday 31st March 2023):

This year we were able to engage in the full fortnight our Active Travel two week. Figures collected were brilliant from Reception all the way up to Year 6 so a huge well done. We finished with 650 journeys over the two weeks, so 65 children a day making the effort to walk, scoot, or cycle some of the way into school. Overall we logged in 35.69% of journey across the school as active (almost matching last year despite the colder weather this year).

It was also great to hear about some of the class work and homework done by the children linked to both the physical and environmental benefits of active travel. Look out for some of this on our PE display soon.

UKS2 Girls football friendly (Monday 13th March 2023):

Following the success of last half term's girls football after school club, we organised a friendly match vs Lostock Gralam Primary school for the girls to put their skills into action. Eleven girls travelled to what was quite a 'boggy' pitch following the last 2 days of rain. Despite this, some fantastic football was played and some fantastic teamwork and encouragement took place.

Two matches were played (10 mins per half) with players rotating on and off. In the first match even though we started well, we found ourselves on the end of a 4-0 defeat due to conceding some breakaway goals. In match 2 however we finally found our shooting boots! Goals from Phoebe Joyce and a hat-trick from Hattie Rigg saw us win 4-2 this time and end on a high.

There were smiles and positivity all round so hopefully a return fixture will be in the books for next term.

Cluster Cross Country event (Tuesday 7th March 2023):

For the last few years this event has been hit with poor weather, so it was nice to see the sun come out at St Nicholas. The event consisted of a boys race and a girls race, each about 1 mile long.

We took a mixed team of children from both Y5 and Y6 who did brilliantly. Congratulations to Florence who won the girls race, and to Charlie who led our boys home 9th in the boys race. Overall our team came a respectable 3rd which is a real achievement!

VRSSP Netball finals (Tuesday 28th February 2023):

After confidently winning our cluster event last half term, we were invited to take part in the VRSSP area netball finals held at Hartford High School. The competition consisted of the 6 cluster winners, with the overall winners going on to represent the partnership at the county final. 

We started fantastically with a 15-0 victory, but then came up against some trickier opposition in the following matches. Overall we won 2, drew 1 and lost 2 of our 5 games, putting us 3rd overall. This is a superb result again and we continue to be proud of how well the children perform and conduct themselves when at these events. Congratulations to all 7 children who attended and did St Bede's credit.

Cluster UKS2 SportsHall Athletics (Tuesday 18th January 2023):

Luckily, this event was indoors with all the cold weather we are having at present. It was fantastic that we were able to take a mixed team of 28 children to this event. Absolutely superb that so many children and parents/carers were able to step up and represent St Bede's.

The event consisted over a field section (throwing and jumping e.g. chest push) and then a track section (lots of shuttle runs and team events). Congratulations to Florence Rowling who won the overall girls javelin event and to Sienna Holland who won the overall girls chest push event. 

As a group we came a very respectable 3rd, with some great performances and great attitudes across the board.

C4L training-Sports Leaders (Monday 17th January 2023):

Our first sports event of the new year saw our 4 sports leader; Charlie, Florence, Jack and Barney, travel to Hartford High School for some excited VRSSP training.

The four sports leaders were taken through the steps of how to run and maintain a Change4Life club, aimed at getting more children active and introducing ways to stay fit outside more convential sports.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming club!

UKS2 Basketball Competition (Tuesday 22nd November 2022):

For our only event of the Autumn 2 Half term, we travelled down the road to St Nicholas for the cluster basketball competition. We were able to put 2 sides in which was fantastic, and again shows the enthuasiasm of our children. 

The games were non-stop for both our green team and our pink team. Both represented the school brilliantly. The green team came 3rd, with stand out performances from Barney and Florence. The pink team unluckily lost the final and had to settle for 2nd. They did however secure the 'Spirit of the Games' Award though for their positive attitudes. Well done to Seren who stood out in the team.

It was great to see the smiles on the childrens' faces and the improvement across the tournament. Great work everyone!

UKS2 Mixed Netball Competition (Monday 11th October 2022):

In nice and sunny weather and with clear daylight, we travelled over to St Nicholas for the netball competition. With 5 teams attending, the format was a small league with the overall winners being put forward to represent the cluster.

In our first game we demolished St Wilfrid's A 7-0 with Seren scoring several times. Game two was another win vs St Joseph's A, this time 3-1. Next up was St Joseph's B, a comfortable 8-0 victory with Florence and Charlie scoring all our points. Last up was St Wilfrid's B, and we finished strongly with another victory, this time 4-0.  With a clean sweep of victories we topped the table and secured our spot in the next round.

The rotation was tricky, having to play lots of different positions but we all stuck together and supported each other.

with reporting by Florence and Charlie (Sports Leaders).

LKS2 Mixed football Competition (Thursday 6th October 2022):

Another Thursday, another trip down the road to the High School. This week it was the turn of LKS2 to represent the school in a football tournament. There was no pathway for this event, rather it was to give the children a chance to see what the competition and venue would be like as they move towards competing in UKS2.

The event consisted of a set of games in a league format, with the overall league winner taking home the victory. Our 1st game was a 0-0 draw vs St Mary's A, whose goalkeeper kept them in the match. Second up we go a win on the board vs St Joseph's, 2-0, with Samuel Meakin bagging both goals. Unfortunately, both final games also ended 0-0 vs St Mary's B and St Wilfrids. As a result, despite not losing or conceding a goal, we only managed 2nd overall. Still, a brilliant afternoon out and a great chance for the children to do us proud!

UKS2 Mixed football Competition (Thursday 29th September 2022):

For the second Thursday in a row, we headed over to St Nicholas to take part in the cluster football tournament. This time the event was mixed football. I was very proud of the fact that as a school we were able to field 3 teams! This is a huge achievement and shows how much effort both children, staff and parents put into making sure sport, competition and representing the school matter at St Bedes.

The event started in the sun but finished in the rain which meant any final results were washed away and emailed later. In the end our 3 teams managed, 7th, 6th and 2nd. Brilliant attitude and performace from all involved!

UKS2 Girls football Competition (Thursday 22nd September 2022):

As usual, we began our sporting calendar with the girls football event for our cluster over at St Nicholas. Due to poor weather the event was moving indoors at the last minute however this didn't affect the girls at all. We had a great turn out and were able to field 2 teams with girls from both year 5 and year 6. 

Both team's were superstars with one claiming a brilliant 2nd place, and the other 4th as well as bagging the Spirit of the Games award for how well they represented the school. What a superb start!

Commonwealth Games Baton Relay (Monday 11th July 2022):

On a scorching day we got to be part of a very unique event. The Commonwealth games baton relay links over 40 schools in the area through the values of the games and also the celebration of the baton relay.

We received the baton from Weaverham Forest Primary at lunchtime. Their baton carriers were met by a Commonwealth celebration tunnel on the playrground that included flag waving and music. We then exchanged pledges and received the baton and banner. Leaving school via the top gate we travel down to the Methodist church car park in Hartford where a quick swap of the starting 8 Y6 children for 8 more helped us offset the hot weather a little. We then continued down to Winnington Primary school where we were met on their school field with cheering and another pledge exchange. The baton the continued on in their hands and we were able to have a pause and then return to school. It was wonderful to see some parents cheer us along the way and well as all the waves and beeps we received from the publice. A really treat to be involved in.

KS2 Tri-golf County Finals (Wednesday 6th July 2022):

After a double victory at the Vale Royal school sports partnership event, our Y3/4 team and our Y6 team travelled to the county finals at Hoole, Chester, in high spirits. Both teams competed against the other victors form the county across a range of 8 events that challenged their skills in pitching, putting, teamwork and co-ordination. 

Both sides performed admirally against tough competition. The Y3/4 team managed to be placed in the top 8 which is a superb result. The Y6 team however, building on their tri-golf support from Vale Royal Abbey professional Ben Derbyshire (and with x2 last minute stand is due to absence), managed to finish 2nd in the whole county. For a small school like ourselves this is an awesome achievement, and to top it off they also won the 'Spirit of the Games' award for their attitude during the event. I cannot praise them enough. A fantastic way to sign off their final few weeks at St Bede's by adding another trophy to our cabinet!

KS2 Rugby MegaFest (Friday 1st July 2022):

For the first time in 3 years this competition was able to run. The festival style layout encouraged a range of abilities and the chance for children to learn new skills. 

Our Y3/4 team competed brilliantly across their set of matches, with the development in defence and tagging hugely impressive. In the Y5/6 competition we were lucky enough to take the whole of our Y6 class who competed in 3 separate teams. We had a range of wins, draws and losses but again it was the improvement in attitude and teamwork across the afternoon that I was most impressed with. A great way to end the week.

Y5/6 Orienteering Competition (Thursday 23rd June 2022):

Another re-arrange competition, this time due to the weather rather than Covid. Our Y5/6 orienteerers were able to make the short jounrey down the road to Hartford High School for the event. 

The weather was very mixed, with the competition commencing in sunshine and finishing in the rain. Results are still awaited, but my report back from Miss Silker on the attitude and conduct of the children was very positive. Well done all!

Y4/5 Let the Girls Play--Euro 2022 football event (Tuesday 21st June 2022):

The sun shone brightly for our first off site activitiy of Sports Week. 10 girls from Y4 and 5 were selected to take part in a very special activity morning at Moss Farm, linked to the upcoming womens Euro 2022 event.

Activities ranged from football archery, human table football and shooting and dribbling skills through to meeting footballer Sue Smith! All the girls had a brilliant time and hopefully some of the resources from the event can be used in school to promote more footballing activities for all. A fantastic event!

LKS2 Mini Red Tennis Tournament (Wednesday 15th June 2022):

Our third event in 3 days was took place at Hartford Tennis club on a lovely, sunny afternoon. Freya, Andreu, Aleks and Darcie from Y4 represented the school at the event and were great role models for our school.

All four children took part in a range of matches before they made it through to the final where they played against Comberbach. Unfortunately we couldn't quite get the win in the final but 2nd place in the partnership is a huge achievement and big congratulations go out to all four children!

UKS2 Quad Kids Cluster Tournament (Tuesday 14th June 2022):

Our second competition in two days was this time closer to home, at St Nicholas High School. Our team of nine Year 5 children took part across 4 athletic events. The standing long jump, the 75m sprint, the howler throw and the 600m run (which was tough in the heat). The children attempted all events in small groups with winners for the overal school for girls and boys and also for the best individuals.

Congratulations to the St Bede's girls who won their section of the tournament and also to Hattie Rigg who was the 3rd best performing girl in the competition.

Also congratulations to the boys who placed 2nd and to Charlie Wilson who was the 1st place performer amongst all the boys at the tournament!

KS2 Tri-Golf Competition @Vale Royal Abbey Golf Club (Monday 13th June 2022):

Our final half term of the year began at a beautiful venue, Vale Royal Abbey Golf Club. Mixed teams of 10 children from LKS2 and UKS2 travelled down to the course after lunch on Monday. 

Each team had to compete together in range of events involving putting and chipping. Each event had a different focus such as speed, aim or distance with the target being to score as many point on your event in the time available. All the events involved teamwork too. After trying all the different stations, the scores for each team were added up and the winners decided.

Our golfers were superb, and secured victory in both competitions being the highest point scorers in both the LKS2 and UKS2 events. Absolutely brilliant work to everyone! 

UKS2 Dodgeball Competition @St Nicholas RC High (Thursday 12th May 2022):

Our final competition of the half term took us back indoors and back to St Nicholas. Our Y5/6 Dodgeball team took part in a set of round robin games against the other Catholic schools in our cluster. The event was set up in such a way that games were continuous, meaning that everyone was very busy and active throught the whole afternoon.

As the competition progressed we continued to develop and improve with Ka Lai and Louis noted for stand out performances. Unfortunately we did not progress through to the next round but we did collect the 'Spirit of the Games' Award, marking again what a fantastic attuitude our children have when taking part in sports events and representing our school.

KS2 Cricket Festival @WCC (Wednesday 27th April 2022):

Morning and afternoon events were laid on for LKS2 and UKS2. Great skill, attitude and enjoyment was shown by all.

'On Wednesday we went to play cricket at Weaverham Cricket Club. We played against Weaverham Forest school. We played 3 rounds. It was very fun. There were four batters and the rest of us cheered! It was called Diamond Cricket. We won all our rounds and in the end we all had a great time and got a certificate' Freya Y4

Active Travel Week (w/c 21st March 2022):

For another year we had a brilliant buy in to our Active Travel week. Outside the classroom we finished with a 36.86% of journeys to school being active ones.Over 1 in 3 trips which is fantastic, with some classes pulling in over 50% on some days. It was great to hear and see all the children making an effort with this and this couldn't have happened without all the support of the parents.

Secondly, in class we found out about the benefits of Active travel; from the improved physical and mental health effects through to the benefits it has on reducing air pollution and decreasing traffic. Well done everyone.

Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics (24th March 2022):

This event was generously put on by Mr Armstrong and the Year 10 helpers at St Nicholas. After covid postponed our attendence prior to Christmas, we were eventually able to offer the chance at competing to all the Y5/6 children. About 25 took up the offer and travelled to St Nicholas for the event.

We first took part in a range of field events from chest push, triple jump and javelin through to the vertical leap. Scores we counted and we celebrated everyone's personal best attempts at the end. The equipment was then tidied aware and the track was created. We raced in teams for relay, obstacle course and the over/under run. All the children we attended took part with a great 'can do' attitude, and were keen to learn new skills. I was super impressed with how they supported each other and I look forward to some of the children now leading in these events come Sports Day.

KS2 Cross Country (16th March 2022):

After 2 sunny days it was only fitting that the rain began to fall as the our team heading over to St Nicholas for the cross country event. Despite damp clothes, spirits were not damp as both girls and boys put up a great showing.

Hannah Keegan won the overall girls race with Florence placing well in 7th. For the boys, we were lead home by Charlie Wilson in 6th with Barney only a few place behind in 8th.

Overall we score the 3rd best score of all the school's competing which was fantastic. Well done to everyone who represented St Bede's and braved the weather!

Children's Mental Health Week (7th-11th February 2022):

All week in school we have been engaging with children's mental health week. The theme this year was growth. Across the week each class gave over some time to focusing on and discussing mental health, and then taking part in various activities afterwards.

This ranged from looking at how we have grown since birth and how we want to grow going forward, taking time out of our day to do some physical well being activities, mixing and sharing with other classes, and also concentrating on the aspects of our lives that contribute to mental health (rest, sleep, friends) and making sure to highlight these as a priority.

It was great to time set aside for such an important topic!

Y5/6 Cluster Basketball tournament (10th February 2022):

This week saw the welcome return of our cluster basketball event. Our team prepared well with several lunchtime practices with the support of Ms Conlon. On the night they matched up against some strong team from our neighbouring Catholic primaries, but played continually well and with smiles on their faces. 

The set up of the event allowed for continuous matches so the children were active non stop all afternoon! Overall we managed a 4th place finish and a huge well done goes out to Harry, Maisie, Gabriella, Lily, Tyler and Leo who represented the school so well that they were awarded the 'Spirit of the games' award for their teamwork and attitude!

Under 9 Girls County Football Finals (31st January 2022):

After success in the previous Vale Royal qualifying round, the girls from Year 4 travelled to the event at the Alexandra Soccer Centre in Crewe as the representitives for the Northwich and Winsford area. 

The tournament saw us joining with 7 other victorious schools from across Cheshire to compete for the title. In the previous round the girls had remained undefeated and not even conceded a goal! This level however was a step up in difficulty. Despite good enthusiasm and support at the event the girls fell to defeats in all their pool games and did not make the semis or the final. Their disappointment was evident, but 8th in the county is an amazing achievement and should be celebrated. I know it has pushed some of the girls on to try football clubs outside of school too! Chins up and well done!

Active PE Day (25th January 2022):

To warm up the cold winter days we enjoyed a whole school Active PE day. All the classes had a chance to take part in a drums workshop with our visitor Ian who worked in music and maths to an active session. Throughout the rest of the day, children took part in Active Maths and Literacy activities, learned about healthy eating habits as well as sharing with each others tips for a good night sleep.

Some classes had personal best challenges and other used our Golden Mile routes while working on different challenges outdoors. It was great to see the children getting outside and linking their learning to using all the school grounds despite the chilly weather.

'It was amazing and fun. It was the best!' Y4   'The drums and music were so loud but I loved it' Y1.

Y5+6 Mixed Hockey cluster tournament (18th January 2022):

Our first tournament of the new year saw us visiting St Nicholas for the cluster QuickSticks Hockey event. We travelled with 2 teams for the competition both of whom performed well. The competition was structured as a league with the league winners taking the overall victory. Our A team made up of Caelen, Theo, Krish, Jack and Aidan won 2 and lost 2 of their games, ending up a very respectable 4th overall. The B team, Max, Bradley, Rory and Hugh won 3 games and drew 1 meaning they topped the group and won the competition by virtue of goals scored. Bearing in mind none of our 9 players have played Hockey outside of a school setting before, this was another superb performance. 

Unfortunately the tournament is a mixed tournament and due to some late changes we were only able to field boys in our teams. As a result, and in the interest of fairness, I have asked that St Wilfrid's (who placed 2nd) be offered the place in the next round.

Y3+4 Girls football tournament (11th November 2021):

On a cold and wet afternoon our team travelled over to Winsford Academy in optomistic fashion. This tournament was hosted by the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership, so was a rung up from our usual cluster events. None the less, the girls were very enthuasistic and prepared well.

The competition was run as one group with all the teams playing each other. The team at the top of the league would then advance to represent the sports partnership at the county final. Playing with great teamwork and skill, the girls took apart their opposition, winning all 6 games awithout conceding a goal. This brilliant performance, cheered on by watching parents, was a superb result and the girls should look forward with excitement to their next level of competition!

Y5+6 Netball Tournament (15st October 2021):

Following the success of Mrs Jones after school netball club, we were able to take 2 confident teams with us to St Nicholas for the event. Across the matches both sides were succesful with 3 wins overall. Unfortunately we were pipped to the victory but never the less scored a strong 2nd place which is fantastic. Well done to all the boys and girls taking part especially Rory Williams and Remy Jones who were noted for their play!

Y5+6 Mixed Football Tournament (01st October 2021):

Another Friday, another football competition. We had a great practice at lunchtime and went to St Nicholas full of confidence and happy that the weather had cleared up.

We had 2 sides, Year 5 and Year 6. One side in each pool. The Year 6 children played in a tricky pool and after a tight 1-0 defeat in game one they bounced back with two great performances in their next two games. Unfortunately they just couldn't find the net and both games ended 0-0. A third/fourth play-off place was the result which we won 1-0 with Rory Williams netting the winner.

The Year 5 boys lost 2-0 in their opening game but like the other team, bounced back well to win 2-0 and 1-0 in their final 2 games. All goals courtesy of Charlie Wilson. As a result they qualified for the semi-finals vs St Wilfrids. In a close game neither side could find the net and it ended up on penalties. Despite a brillian save from Patrick Rodway in the first round of penalties, we were eventually beaten and had to settle for 3rd place overall. The chlldren were a credit to the school throughout and received the 'Spirit of the Games' Award for their attitude. Special mentions to Lewis for his fantastic support, spending all is time not playing cheering on the Year 5 team, and also for Leo for some superb defending.

Y5+6 Girls Football Tournament (24th September 2021):

Just one day after our 1st sports outing, we were again able to travel, this time to St Nicholas for our clusters Y5+6 girls football tournament. With a good mix of girls from both classes and some sunny weather, it was great to be representing the school at these events again. 

The girl's did brillianty against some tough opposition, winning 2 out of their 6 matches, and finishing 3rd overall. With several more tournaments this term this is a superb start to what should be an exciting few months.

Y6 Girls Rugby Event (23rd September 2021):

After over a year of no face to face competition it was brilliant to finally be able to travel with the children to events again. Our first event of the year followed on from the Y5/6 girls rugby coaching last year, in the form of a Y6 touch rugby training and competition afternoon at Winnington Park RFC. Despite a few absences, we were still able to travel with 5 girls who had a brilliant time picking up new skills and competing against a range of other schools. A fantastic event, and hopefully next year we'll be able to take even more children!

Y3/4 Cricket comp (June 2021):

During this term several online competition were held across the Sports Partnership. One of the ones we joined in with was the Y3/4 cricket challenge. Our score from our Y4 class put us high enough to represent the area at county level. The children in Y4 then tried to better their scores and we went again against tougher competion. When the final scores were counting for the catching, bowling and fielding drills we ended up 4th in the county. Well done to Charlie, Barney, Hugh, Patrick, Matthew, Millie, Florence, Maisie, Holly and Hattie! Certificates and t-shirts are awaiting your return!

Change for Life week (w/c 10th May):

Last week in school we took part in Change for Life week. The C4L movement's aims are 'Eat Well', 'Move More' and 'Live Longer'. Across the week, classes took part in activities and discussions that looked at these aims. These encouraged children to think about not just being active but the mental and physical reasons why we do this. Being active can take many forms, and even if we want conpetition, often this can come best when challenging our own targets and limits. It was also a chance to examine our diet, look at recipes and consider issues such as how much sugar is in our drinks. 

Y5+6 Girls Rugby Session (April 29th):

Last Thursday the girls in Y5 and 6 were visited by 2 rugby coaches from Winnington Park RFC and Lymm RFC. The got to spend the afternoon taking part in a variety of rugby taster activities, getting introduced to the sports and the skills involved. Luckily, the weather was bright and it was lovely to see the children joining in so enthusiastically.

The Big Pedal Fortnight (w/c 19th April 2021):

The Big Pedal event is designed to encourage active travel to schools. For the 2 weeks the children and families were asked to try and walk, scoot or cycle to school rather than drive. The benefits of this are to reduce congestion around the school, reduce the pollution around the school and also improve participants mental and physical health.

Well done to all who took part. For some people this is a tricky challenge, so it was great to hear the stories from pupils who decided to park nearby and walk the last way in just to try and help and take part. It was also lovely to hear about the discussions people had on their travels too and from school with the active travel allowing that extra time to communicate.

Over the 2 weeks we racked up 1,085 journeys, with nearly 31% of all children using active travel to get to and from school. An amazing effort. Well done to everyone involved!

World Mental Health Day (Friday 9th October 2020)

As the actual day fell on Saturday 10th, we chose to celebrate the day one day earlier in school. Across the school children discussed what 'mental health' actually was and also how it links into our physical health.

Classes took part in a range of learning and activities. These included understanding how our emotions can change during different events and ways to combat negative emotions. Considering what makes us happy and why this is important (see happy poster!). Being aware that some people will react and behave differently to us in the same situation and we need to be respectful of our uniqueness. The children also spoke about how aspects such as diet and sleep can link into mental health as well as thinking about who to speak to if we feel our mental health is not 100%.

Well done to all the children for how well they listened and took onboard the subjects discussed.

VRSSP KwikSticks Hockey County Finals (Wednesday 11th March 2020)

After losing 2 cross county events to the weather it was great to be out competing as a sporting school again! Due to our strong performance at the partnership hockey finals we were invited to attend the county final at Alderley Edge Hockey club. The competition was between 16 schools from across the whole Cheshire and Warrington area so the standard was high.

Despite this we competed well in our group during the quick rotation and fast pace set of matches. Overall we placed 5th out of 8 in our group which is a fantastic acheivement. This meant we were the joint highest Vale Royal school and 10th in the county. We also were awarded the 'Spirit of the Games' award which goes to the school who has best displayed a positive attitude and spirit during the event. Congratulations to Lottie, Neve, Grace, Harry, Luke and Tomas for their achievements and to the other children involved in the earlier rounds for their hard work too.

VRSSP KwikSticks Hockey Finals (Thursday 13th February 2020)

Having qualified strongly last month we made the short walk to Weaverham High School with confidence of being competitive. An immediate difference on arrival however was that the final was to be played outdoors on smaller pitches whereas we had qualified playing indoors.

Not to be deterred through we started well with a strong victory 4-0 over Barnton. In our second match we came up against a very well drilled Davenham side (who would go on to make the final), and despite taking an early lead we fell to a 12-2 defeat. Next up was a crunch game vs Sandiway. Defeat would likley mean elimination and even though we played some great hockey we went down 3-1. We finished well with a comfortable victory over Willow Wood however with 2 wins and 2 loses we only managed 3rd in the group. With the top 2 from each group making up the semis we had to bow out. The children were a credit however staying on to watch and compete in friendlies and were also awarded the 'Spirit of the Games' award for their positive attitude and fairness.

KS1 Water Safety Assembly (Wednesday 12th February 2020)

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Sean at Brio leisure today. He came in and lead an assembly for Reception, Year 1+2 talking about water safety. We learned about how to be safe near outdoor water sources, what to do if someone gets in trouble and also how fun being active in the water can be. Sean showed us some of the flags that are used at beaches to keep us safe and even lead us in a set of exercises that you can do in the pool! Perfect preparation for the (hopefully) warmer weather around the corner as well as the upcoming swimming gala.

VRSSP HIgh5 Netball final (Thursday 6th February 2020)

Having qualified unbeaten through the Catholic schools cluster competition we were one of the six sides who qualified for the finals. It was a straight pool with the winners going through to the county finals. 

The format involved players rotating through all 5 positions so that they could try each one and use a range of skills. 

We began against Rudheath and although we had lots of possesion it was the opposition who took their chances, defeating us 3-1. With 6 teams and 3 pitches we were always playing so immediately moved into match 2 vs Davenham. This was unfortunately a one sided affair, with Davenham's quality coming through in a 16-0 win! Not to be disheartened though we were determined to bounce back and did just that. First defeating Winnington 6-2, then Winsford High Street 3-1 and finally Sandiway 2-1. These 3 victories meant we finished joint 2nd overall (also with Rudheath and Sandiway who also won 3 matches). Congratulations to the children for how well they picked themselves up from their opening loses and also to how well they improved as the tournament progressed!

Cluster Kwik Sticks Hockey Tournament (Wednesday 22nd January 2020)

Our first competition of the new year was thankfully indoors as we again travelled down the road to St Nicholas Catholic High School for the cluster kwik sticks hockey tournament. We entered with 2 team, A (year 6) and B (year 5). The A team started well with a close fought 1-0 win over St Wilfrids A. Next up was an even tighter affair against St Marys A which ended 0-0. They then closed out their group with a solid 5-0 win against St Josephs A. Having not lost or conceded a goal they rightly went through to the final of the event as group winners.

Our B team started slowly in 2-0 loss to St Wilfrid's B but then pulled together and showed how quickly they could improve with a draw vs St Wilfrid's C and a narrow loss to St Mary's B 1-0. St Mary's B were group winners so moved on to play our A team in the final. 

After a longer 8 minuute final the teams could not be separated. Tomas Ferreira going closest for St Bede's but having his goal ruled out for being slightly outside the semi circle shooting area. Penalties it was, and with no goal keepers it came down to nerve and accuracy. Both sides slotted 4 from 4 from the 1st line so the penalty spot was moved back to half way. Luke Morris hammered in our first shot which was followed immediately by a St Mary's miss. A sudden death victory and onto the next stage! Super Hockey!

Whole School Healthy me Day (Friday 22nd November)

As part of our school's plan to develop children with knowledge of being active but also knowing how to look after themselves, we enjoyed a Healthy me Day on Friday. Joanna from Fit4Kids came in and worked with all the classes discussing diet, sugar in foods and also quick and easy ways to get active. At break and lunch our sports leaders lead a range of indoor and outdoor activities aimed at getting everyone playing and active together outside the classroom. In class the children looked at a range of topics such as mental health, sleep, hygiene, diet and the importance of being active as well as taking the opportunity to be active in the school's outdoor spaces (despite the poor weather!). Well done to all involved.

KS2 Cross Country event 2 (Friday 22nd November)

The weather again struck out sporting events! Our cross country team made the short trip to Hartford High School for the second leg of the competition. We had no lost shoes this time, but the cold and wet weather made for boggy conditions and a tricky race. Strong showings from both girls and boys teams however should hold us in good stead for the next leg. I await the updated results from the partnership!

UKS2 SportsHall Athletics Competition (20th November 2019)

After the dark and cold of the previous week's netball and football we were back indoors for the SportsHall athletics. Nearly 30 children from Y5/6 took part is a range of track and field activities across the afternoon. Congratulations to Tomas and Athena in Y6 who won individual events, and to Neve who won 2! Overall it was very close with us finishing 3rd in the end just 2 points behind the joint winning schools.

UKS2 Partnership Mixed Football Finals (15th November 2019)

Having won our cluster tournament on a boggy St Nicholas field, the finals took place on the astroturf of Hartford High School, very different. The competition was much stronger as we were now up against all the other cluster winners.

We made the worst possible start with a 3-0 defeat, but then bounced back well from this upset to win 2 and draw 1 of the next 3 games. 

When all the dust settled we ended up 3rd overall, missing out on 2nd place by just 1 goal on goal difference. The only side to beat us across both rounds were Kingsmead who were also the side that won the overall competition. Once again a huge well done to the team. Placing 3rd overall in the whole of the Northwich/Winsford area schools is another consistant, strong result!

UKS2 Cluster Netball tournament (13th November 2019)

Having celebrated success in both cluster football tournaments we visited St Nicholas again in confidence. Two sides travelled made up of boys and girls from year 5/6. The competition was played under Hi5 rules with players rotating positions throughout a match (GK, GD, C, GA, GS). 

As one side dropped out the tournament was run with 7 teams rotating rather than 2 groups. Despite this we put on a strong showing with both of our teams winning all their games! One side 5/5 and the other 4/4. Unfortunately, as with last year, the encroaching darkness brought a halt to proceeding. As both sides were unbeaten we were declared tournament winners and will now go through to represent our cluster at the VRSSP finals!

KS2 cross country meet 1 (6th November 2019)

Our first cross country meet of the school year saw an updated team travel to Winsford Academy. Neve, Kyran, Charlie and Edward from Y6 all stayed on for a further year and have been joined by Clara and Kaitlin from Y5 and Tomas from Y6. 

As with nearly all last year's events the run took place in boggy conditions. In the girls race Neve placed 11th and would have been higher but for losing a shoe mid way through! Kaitlin and Clara both placed well in the top 30 runners. For the boys Kyran finished 6th with Edward 16th, Tomas 20th and Charlie 22nd. A solid all round performance that puts us in a good place for the next meet later in the half term!

LKS2 and UKS2 Girls football Finals (24th October 2019)

A mixed afternoon for our girls teams competing at Winsford Academy today. The LKS2 competition was an open entry straight to the final for all Northwich and Winsford teams. Our team of Annabelle, Frankie, Krysia, Evie-Lee and Hannah competed well throughout including 2 victories, but it was not enough to see them through to the final play offs for the overall victory.

Our UKS2 team had had to qualify for the event due to the number of sides involved. They won their cluster competition earlier in the month without losing a game so we full of confidence. However the other sides at the event had also had to come through qualifying competitions too. In the end we finished a fantastic 3rd overall in the whole of Northwich and Winsford. This is a fantastic acheivement given the quality of some of the girls playing in the top two sides, Sandiway and Davenham. The girls were very proud of their result and we are super proud of them!

UKS2 Mixed cluster football tournament (18th October 2019)

Taking place unusually on a Friday we travelled with 2 strong sides to represent the school in a competition we have done well at previously. Although the weather was poor and got worse, all the players did not seem to mind!

Our 'A' team won 2 games and drew 1 to qualify as group winners from their pool without conceding a goal. Our B team were unlucky not to progress having one win, one draw and one loss, untimately only missing out on the semi-finals through goal difference.

In our semi-final we played St Mary's A, at full time the match was 0-0 so we went into 3 minutes extra time. With just a minute left a superb strike from Thomas Amey sealed the win and a place in the final. 

By now the weather had left the pitches quite a mess so the final vs St Wilfrid's A ended up being an attritional affair. 0-0 at full time, 0-0 after extra time, so sudden death penalties. Kyran Higginbotham had his penatly well saved so pressure moved to our keeper Edward Smalley. He stepped up with back to back saves to allow Thomas Amey to slot home the winning penalty and take the competition victory. Special thanks to all the players and parents who remained in the rain to support the A team all the way through! 

VRSSP LKS2 mixed football tournament (15th October 2019)

An early afternoon start today for our team over at Winsford Academy. The tournament itself had teams from all over Northwich and Winsford and started with a group phase. In our first match we were unlucky to go down to a 1-0 defeat through an unfortunate own goal. In our second match we managed to keep a clean sheet but still couldn't find the net, finishing with a 0-0 draw. This wasn't enough to progress but in our final (friendly) game we did at last regsiter a 2-0 victory.

One new feature of the tournament was that it also featured after each game a penalty shoot out between the teams, and in this format we came out a winners!

UKS2 Girls cluster football tournament (9th October 2019)

After an up and down start to our inter school football matches we finally got round to our first competitive tournament, girls UKS2 cluster football tournament. The competition was held indoors at St Nicholas High School and we got off to a perfect start with a 3-0 victory over St. Joseph's A team, all 3 goals coming from a hat-trick from captain Neve Hancock. Second up we were pitted against St Wilfrid's A, this game was closer, but another goal from Neve saw us take a deserved 1-0 win. Next we played St Mary's, they were also unbeaten after 2 games so this was a vital match. We took an early lead through Maisie Cooney but St. Mary's fought back and equalised from the penalty spot. There was drama at the end though as Neve converted a last minute penalty with the final kick of the game to secure a 2-1 win. 

Our final two games were against St. Joseph's and St Wilfrid's B teams. More goals from Neve and Maisie saw us to two further wins and a perfect 5 wins from 5 matches to secure the the competition victory! This was a fully deserved victory down to teamwork, communication and skill!

We now move onto the partnership final on the 24th October with a place in the county finals at stake for the winners! 

Inter-school Football vs Sandiway (1st October 2019)

Following on from our 1st victory of the season we travelled to Sandiway in a positive mood. Unfortunately we came up against a very strong full strength Sandiway side and despite some good performances from Kyran and Tomas we fell short in an 8-1 defeat. The children did well to keep their smiles however and should be proud of representing their school. We want everyone at our school to feel that they are able to say yes to sports activities and that events like this are not just for a select few! Well done to all the boys and girls from years 5 and 6 who said yes today.

Inter-school Football vs Lostock (17th September 2019)

Our first sporting event of the new school year saw our UKS2 football team travel to Lostock Primary for a 7-a-side match. With so many other primary schools in the area as well as demand from the children, we aim to have several matches for the boys and girls in Y5 and Y6 to represent the school in this year.

It was also a fantastic start for the team themselves who supported each other brilliantly to run out 7-2 winners. A superb all-round performance built on good team work. Well done!





Dodgeball Finals @Winsford Academy (July 11th)

This event looks like being the last school sports event of the year and it was brilliant to go out on a positive. After qualifying as cluster winners we went into the tournament with a strong side and played some great stuff across our 9 finals matches.

Particular well done to Luca Cairnduff who was the only Y5 player but stood out for his skills across the event. In one game he played for nearly 3 minutes on his own vs 5 other players! Overall we finished 3rd which was a fantastic effort considering we didn't even make it out of the cluster event last year. Top dodging!

Match report for Wednesday 10th July 2019 (football vs Weaverham Primary Academy)

We started off strong but eventually they made the breakthrough with their players scoring the first goal of the match. Somehow we managed to score 1 straight after into the back of the net. Time passed and they were getting tired and missed all of their shots. It was our chance to get one in and our goalie Jacob took a goal kick and belted it and it bounced right over him. The referee was half a sleep and thought we were playing rugby. On one of our goals he shouted “try oh no sorry … goal!” Half time nothing happened much now we just assessed on what they did and their tactics. Out of nowhere our striker Curtis scored a goal off of his back foot to make the final score 4-1. We walked home with a smile on our faces of what we have just accomplished. (by Y6 boys)

Tri-golf Y4 @Vale Royal Abbey (July 2nd)

8 Children spent the afternoon at the beautiful Vale Royal Abbey Golf course representing the school in the re-arranged tri-golf tournament. All the children had already had a half-term of afternoon coaching with the course pro Ben Derbyshire and now had a chance to put these skills into action. Working in teams they took part in a range of chipping and putting activties and ended up a well placed 3rd overall! Well done!

Orienteering Y5/6 @Marbury Park (June 20th)

Matching up nicely with the upturn in weather was the re-organised orienteering competition at Marbury Park. 12 UKS2 children represented the school in the boys and girls competitions. All 4 teams completed the course and used their skills practised on our own school course to complete their events as quickly as possible. With over 50 teams taking part competition was tough so well done to the boys teams who managed top 15 finishes and also the girls teams who both placed top 10!

With the launch of our updated course in school this term these skills and scores will hopefully improve each year!!

Quadkids VRSSP finals (June 18th)

Following 2 cancellation we finally dodged the black clouds and got the event on. The event runs over 4 disciplines with each child (4 boys/4 girls) taking part in all events and then the team being given an overall score. Major thanks to Daniel Harrison who stepped in at the last minute to make up the squad following injuries and lack of availability. Without him we wouldn't have been able to complete.

We started well with both Erin Carney and Kyran Higganbotham taking wins in the 600m race. The next two events, standing long jump and hurler throw, we found trickier with some of the schools with older overall squads scoring slightly higher. The final event was the 75m sprint. Back on the track we showed our strength again with several top 3 finishes in the 10 races. 

Overall we placed 5th just 20 points behind Davenham in 4th. Unfortunately we didn't make the county finals (top 2 only) but this finish against larger schools and with a side with half coming from Year 5 is in my opinion still a great result. The children should be very proud of their efforts!

Northwich Schools Swimming Gala (June 15th)

After a succession of sporting events being cancelled due to the summer rain our children finally got back to sporting ways in the pool this weekend. Mrs Jones and Mrs Axford co-ordinated a team of boys and girls from Y4/5/6 at what is a very competitive event.

10 schools from across Northwich compete with children having to race in one of the 4 strokes as well as there being canon and relay races. As a result, the success of the team relies on everyone contributing with points being built up for team from every race and heat. 

The team of Daniel and Rachel Harrison (Y6), Neve Hancock, Edward Smalley, Thomas Amey, Jefferson Jones and Constance Scurry (Y5) and Izabella Crump (Y4), put on a brilliant all-round display to secure a superb third place! A fantastic achievement by all 8 of our swimmers.

It is worth noting that with only 25% of the side coming from Y6 it also promises that next year we be able to continue our form in this event that has seen us now register top 3 finishes for the past 3 years! Well done everyone!

UKS2 Kwik Cricket Tournament (May 22nd)

Following on from the LKS2 festival last week it was the turn of UKS2 to turn their hand to kwik cricket. The children walked down to Weaverham cricket club for the event where 5 sides competed for the victory and a spot in the partnership finals. 

The children started well with wins over Forest Street and Cuddington B, putting us on course for the final days. Unfortunately stiffer competition hit us in our final 2 games. Matches against Cuddington A and Sandiway resulted in close losses.Overall we ended up in 3rd position which the children should be very proud of. They worked well as a unit and showed off lots of the cricketing skills they have been learning in school.

LKS2 Diamond Cricket Festival (May 16th)

With the arrival of the nice weather and longer evenings comes the annual KS2 cricket events. First up this month was the opportunity of the LKS2 children who represented the school at the diamond cricket festival at Winnington Park Cricket Club. Following on from their class' work with ECB coach Mark Greaves, 8 children from Year 4 made up the team this year.

We found ourselves in a tricky group but it was great to see how the children's skills developed across the set of matches. First up we played against a strong Sandiway side. Despite taking more wickets in our 30 balls, they managed to rack up a big score of 56 whilst we could muster only 10 runs. 

Next we matched up against Barnton. This was a super tight game where some excellent fielding restricted the opposition to just 24 runs. Unfortunately once again we struggled to get our big shots away falling frustratingly short by 1 run scoring only 23!

Our 3rd games was against a well drilled Winnington side. Batting first we gave away few wickets but only managed 20 runs. Winnington came out with some big hitters and eventually ran out winners with a score of 48.

In our next match we were pitted against Charles Darwin. It was clear now the children were communicating better when running between wickets and when fielding. Some good catches in the field kept Charles Darwin down to just 35 runs. We then turned in our best batting performance yet but fell frustratingly short again scoring just 5 runs of our last 6 balls to end up with a score of 32!

The team were not giving up however and went into our last match vs Hartford Primary determined to finish on a high. They did just that too. In a time restricted game (meaning just 20 balls per side rather than 30) the children smashed 35 runs (their best score all evening) to win their final match 35 to 32!

Whilst it wasn't 5 wins from 5 the children never the less kept going all event and it was great to hear them talk about how they felt they had developed over the stretch over the tournament. Thank you too to all the parents, grandparents and siblings who came down to support!

Y2 Multi-skills Festival (May 8th)

Following on from their Multi-skills with with Sale Sharks last term, Year 2 had the opportunity to visit St. Nicholas and take part in an afternoon of multi-skills activities with some of the other schools in our cluster.

Luckily, the event was indoors so not affected by our terrible weather! Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon taking part in different sports at the high school. The children had a go at a range of activities including throwing skills, balancing, rolling, running and jumping. Well done to everyone who took part! 

Y5/6 Dodgeball Tournament (May 1st)

It was nice to get back into the sporting arena after our Holidays and Easter Break. 10 children from our Y5+6 classes travelled over to St. Nicholas for our cluster's dodgeball tournament. Due to various organisation problems some schools were not able to attend so as a result the competition was shifted from 6 to 3 a side to make for a more incluisve afternoon. As a result we were able to field 3 teams who also got to play each other (this was enjoyed by all the children).

After 12 rounds of games in a league style format our 'B' team of Sam Lilley, Daniel Harrison and Luca Cairnduff emerged victorious and we will now be representing the cluster at the Vale Royal partnership finals in July. At this event we will hopefully be playing in larger teams and as a result some of the other children who stood up and represented the school tonight will also be able to attend. Well done on a great victory!!

The Big Pedal week (March 25th-29th)

After a busy week the results are in! Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the 672 active journeys that took place to school last week. 32.28% of all journeys in were on foot/scooter or bike which is nearly 1/3rd of all trips. Overall this ranked us 4th in the Cheshire West and Chester area so well done to all!

Going forward hopefully this will encourage many children and parents to continue to travel actively to school especially as the weather improves and the benefits can be more openly enjoyed!

Y6 boys football match vs Weaverham Primary Academy (26th March 2019)

By popular demand we finally managed to organise a match for our Year 6 boys team to play! We travelled down the road to the Primary Academy with a team of 10 for a 7-a-side, 15 minute each way game.

On a small pitch we took an early lead thanks to Thomas Fallon-Williams tap in goal. This was quickly doubled by Sam Lilley with a neat strike. Unfortunately rolling subs slightly upset our rhythm and Academy pulled a goal back to make it 2-1. Our 2 goal lead was soon restored though thanks to Jacob Cliffe who scored directly from a clearance whilst playing in goal!

Half-time 3-1 up.

In the second half we continued to attack well but squandered several chances. Combined with some missed tackles this let Academy back into the game and with just 1 minute left we found ourselves 4-3 down. Luckily, captain Charlie Crump came up with a late equaliser to secure a 4-4 draw. A fair result for a game that was played in a good spirits between 2 skilful sides. A re-match looks on the cards!

Full time 4-4.

Team=Charlie Crump, Callum Sheahan, Daniel Harrison, Lukasz Kolodziejski, Jacob Cliffe, Sam Lilley, Curtis Webster, Patrick Grice, Fergus Woodward, Thomas Fallon-Williams.

KS2 Cross County @ Barnton Primary School (18th March 2019)

After a cancellation in January due to poor weather, the cross country team finally got back out and running this evening. Bad weather again threatened the event and even caused a late change of venue but we were able to go ahead eventually.

The field at Barnton was muddy from all the rain but luckily it was not pouring down when the races started which at least meant the runners could stay dry (if not clean!). As normal the girls race was first and we performed strongly. Erin Carney registered her second consecutive 2nd place in the event and was only narrowly beaten in a sprint finish. Rachel Harrison and Neve Hancock both also registered top 20 finishes.

In the boys race Kyran Higginbotham lead our boys team home with a strong 9th place finish in a very competitive race. Both Edward Smalley and Charlie Crump also registered top 20 finishes in the muddy conditions.

We now await the updated results combining this event with the previous ones. The next leg on the event will be held in June where hopefully the conditions will be a bit kinder under foot!

SSOC Active Afternoon (11th February 2019)

This afternoon our School Sports Operating Crew lead the St. Bede's Active Afternoon! Each class spent the afternoon looking at different ways they could learn through being active. In class there were activities such a 5-a-day, super-movers, maths of the day as well as discussion about the amount of sugar in our diet and how this can be reduced.

Children also took the time to make use of our outdoor space with a variety of activities taking place on the playground as well as orienteering throughout the school grounds.

In the hall the SSOC launched our new Active Mats. A set of 15 easy to use activity stations for the children involving balances, jumps, throws and stretches. Each class spend some time in the hall with the new equipment where they worked in houses rotating around the different stations available!

Please keep an eye on our 'Healthy Me from Head to Toe' board for a photo display of the afternoon!

Year 5/6 KwikSticks Hockey @ St Nicholas (15th January 2019)

Taking place indoors immediately after the Netball final was the cluster's 4-a-side hockey tournament. A fast paced game with sides made up of 2 boys and 2 girls. We sent two teams with a mix of children from both Year 5 and Year 6. It was not to be our night again however with both sides competing well but failing to make it out of their pools to the semi-final stage. All the children were fabulous though and tried very hard with Neve Hancock and Daniel and Rachel Harrison all getting special mentions from Miss Silker.

Year 5/6 Netball Final @ St Nicholas (15th January 2019)

After losing out to the failing late at the end of last year, our Netballers finally had a chance to claim victory in the postponed cluster tournament final. We were up against St. Mary's 'A' and despite a brilliant performance we unfortunately went down to a narrow 2-0 defeat, settling for the runners up spot again. The entire team however was made up of children from Year 5 though which augers well for a strong showing next year!

School Sports Operating Crew (Netball competition)

This was the 1st event organised by this year's crew. We welcomed onboard Thomas Fallon-Williams and Erin Carney who are our new Marvellous Mover/Busy Bede's helpers, and also Helena Starsiak-Roberts and Charlie Fitzsimmons from Year 5. Along with Rachel Harrison and Ryan Molyneux these six children now make up the current St Bede's crew.

Last week the children ran a timed Netball challenge at break and lunch for all the children to attempt. Different cones were laid out in a semi-circle around the netball posts and children had 1 minute to see how many goals they could score in this time. After scoring at each cone the children moved onto the next.

Certificates were planned for winnning houses/children etc but unfortunately bad weather cancelled out lots of opportunities for children to try the challenge so the crew used it as a good practice to see what worked well for their next competition which will be run in the new year. Congratulations though to Thomas Amey in Year 5 who high scored with 13 goals. Watch this space for the next SSOC update...

Year 5/6 Basketball Competition @ St Nicholas (03rd December 2018)

After initially entering 2 sides for this competition we were advised near the date that there would now only be space for 1 team. As a result we travelled with 13 players for a 5-a-side competition. The children all responded really well however to the rotation and enjoyed their game time. In a difficult pool we lost close games to Barnton, Charles Darwin and Winsford High Street. This meant we didn't progress past the pool stages but did get to play some extra friendly games later on. This allowed us some extra practice of a sport which was new to some of the children who were representing the school.

Special mention to Bella and Athena Freebody who volunteered to help out another school short of numbers and did St Bede's proud with their attitude and effort.

KS2 Cross County @ Hartford High School (26th November 2018)

This year as well as our Catholic cluster event the Vale Royal Sport partnership is putting on a series of cross-country races for schools across Northwich and Winsford to compete in a mini-league.

Five boys and five girls from St Bede's represented us as our 'Running Squad' in the event tonight at Hartford High School. There was plenty of warming up in the cold weather before the girls ran first. A strong squad performance saw Erin Carney finish in 2nd with Neve Hancock and Rachel Harrison both placing well too. 

In the boys race the competition continued to be stiff. The boys were lead home by Kyran Higginbotham in 11th with Charlie Crump and Edward Smalley also putting in solid finishes. Overall we ranked a strong 7th in a very competitive event featuring a range of schools from the area. Hopefully another strong run next event will see us climb up the league.

Special mention to Niamh Colclough and Rachel Harrison in Year 6 who both stopped on lap 1 when in good positions to help a fellow competitor who had fallen and been injured. Very proud to see children representing the school in such a positive way!

Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics Competition-St Nicholas Cluster (21st November 2018)

As the nights close in we moved indoors for our latest competition. A team of children from Years 5+6 took part in a range of activities over 2 hours at St. Nicholas. There were both team and individual events taking place at different points in the sports hall.

Congratulations to Sam Lilley, Niamh Colclough and Tomas Ferreira who all recorded individual victories for the school in an event. Congratulations as well to the team as a whole who finished in 2nd place which shows how well you all did across every event!

Y5/6 Netball Competition-St Nicholas Cluster (14th November 2018)

I was delighted to be able to send 3 sides to the competition tonight, well done Years 5 and 6 for being so open to taking part and representing your school. The tournament was Hi5 Netball so 5-a-side omiting wing defence and attack. 

There was mixed success for our teams but despite the majority of 2 of the sides coming entirely from Year 5 both of these sides made the semis finals. One side fell to defeat to St Mary's but our last remaining side won a thrilling penalty shoot out and made the final! Unfortunately the dying light intervened at this point so we are currently looking at options to play the final at a later date with the winners progressing to represent the cluster at the Vale Royal Partnership finals. Watch this space.... 

Y3/4 Football Competition Partnership Finals (12th November 2018)

After successfully qualifying last month our mixed team turned out for a very competitive final on a cold night at Hartford High School. Only 8 teams had reached this point so this was a great achievement already. Two groups of 4, with top 2 qualifying for semi finals. We started well with a 2-1 victory over St. Joseph's thanks to goals from Elano Drys. Next up we played Barnton, unfortunately we found ourselves 2-0 down quickly and despite James Spencer's goal we fell to defeat, 1-2. All on the last match vs Weaverham Forest. A superb start put us 2-0 up thanks to goals from Elano again and from Esmie Roberts. In the second half of the match we stumbled though. A penalty and late strike saw a 2-0 lead end up as a 2-2 draw. We waited for the results to be checked and......we'd done enough! 

Down to the last 4 teams in the area. Our semi-final was vs Hartford who had won the other group. A slow start saw us 2-0 down almost immediately. The team fought back well and we unlucky to not pull at least one goal back but it was not to be. Another late goal saw Hartford win 3-0 and we were out. Hartford went on to win the final and we were pipped to 3rd place by Davenham who beat us 1-0 in a quick 3rd/4th place play off game. 

In the end this was a fantastic achievement. We were one game away from the final (and a place in the county finals) so the 7 children who played should be super proud of their efforts and how well they represented the school!

Y3/4 Girls Football Competition (25th October)

Just 9 days after our mixed boys/girls team qualified for the next stage of their tournament, the girls team travelled to Winsford Academy looking to repeat the success. With sides from all over the Northwich and Winsford area taking part competition was set to be tough but the girls started well with back to back wins to set them up for a push for victory.

Unfortunately this couldn't quite be sustained, and after losing our next 2 matches we had to settle for 3rd place overall behind victors Davenham. Very proud of the team for their effort. After Christmas we will be running a girls football club after school so keep an eye out for the letters coming out just before Christmas.

Y3/4 Football Competition (16th October 2018)

Following our Harvest Service 7 children from Lower Key Stage 2 quickly travelled over to Winsford Academy to represent the school at the Vale Royal Partnership football competition. This was the first phase of the tournament, with each team playing in a small group and the top 2 sides from each group advancing the the partnership finals next month. In a tough group with sides from both Hartford Primary and Winsford High Street, our team recorded 2 wins, one draw and just one defeat, with some quality football from Elano Drys and Esmie Roberts in particular. We are currently awaiting other results to see whether our record will be enough to advance us to the finals. Watch this space!

Y5/6 Football Competition (9rd October 2018)

On a balmy Tuesday evening we travelled back up the road to St Nicholas with two teams for the competition. In a strong tournament our B team played well against some quality opponents but weren't able to make it out of the group stages. Our A team faired better, winning 3 pool games to make it to the semi finals. Unfortunately there they met heart-break losing on penalties after extra-time. Still a great effort though. We'll get there next time! Well done all!

Girls Football Competition (3rd October 2018)

Our first competition of the year saw us visit St. Nicholas for a 6-a-side indoor girls football competition. The team started well gaining a draw against St. Joseph's before coming up against a strong St. Wilfrid's A team who defeated us 1-0 thanks to a late penalty. They would go on to win all their matches and the tournament! The girls bounced back really well from the loss however and were the better side in a draw vs St Wilfrid's B. They then the followed this up with a 1-0 victory against St. Mary's A thanks to Erin Carney's strike. In our final match we were again the stronger side but just couldnt find the net in a 0-0 draw with St. Mary's B. Overall 1 win, 3 draws and 1 lose depsite only conceding 1 goal in all 5 matches! We finished a strong joint second in the competition and the girls should be very proud of their efforts and also the way they supported each other. Well done!

Marvellous Movers Fun Afternoon (17/07)

On Tuesday, me and the marvellous movers got our PE kits on. Soon we went outside, two ladies were waiting for us. First we did our stretches to get our hearts pumping. When we had finished our complex exercise the ladies brought us to the obstacle course. The course was very hard but the Yr4 group won by a small amount. Soon enough we were playing a fun game called dishes and domes. One side has to turn the cones upside down and the other team had to keep them upwards. The next activities were tic tac toe and animal walks. The first one was animal walks where we did bear crawls abd frog leaps plus duck waddles. When we did tic tac toe we had lots of rounds, the point of the game was to got three cones in a row to win. Finally, we did our cooling down stretches to finish. Then we had a race to complete the afternoon. We all enjoyed our time very much.

Hannah W. Y4.

World Cup Finals week Keepy-Uppy contest! (w/c 09/07)

All week the school sports operating crew have been out at break at lunch testing how many keepy-uppies the children can do! The results are now in.

KS1 winner-Caelen (Y2)

KS2 winner-Dominic (Y6)

KS1 winning house-Oscar Romero

KS2 winning house-St. Theresa.

Whole school winning house-St Theresa!!


Tennis County Finals (Y3/4 11th July)

Our Y3/4 tennis team of Neve Hancock, Poppy Evans, Edward Smalley and Charlie Fitzsimmons made the journey to Macclesfield for a full day of tennis. Have finished as runners up in the area competition this qualified them to compete at the county finals. They gave a brilliant account of themselves, eventually finishing up 12th in the whole county. A superb effort. Here are some of their thoughts and memories of their day.

Neve (Y4)--When they announced we came 1st it our group it felt AMAZING! We all got our t-shirts signed and also got some gold medals.

Poppy (Y4)--We were looking at the stage and someone walked on. He said 'Hello, my name is Craig Heap!' He was a gymnast who had won 2 medals at the Commonwealth games. We met him afterwards.

Edward (Y4)---I was very proud of our successes coming 12th our of 128 teams overall.

Charlie (Y4)--It was great to be a part of with, so many other sports going on at the festival too such as tri-golf and gymnastics!

Jenna Downing Masterclass (Hartford High 09th July)

Four KS2 girls were lucky enough to attend a masterclass with inline skating world champion Jenna Downing. The event took place at Hartford High and here is what they had to say:

Megan (Y4)---I enjoyed working in a team skating together because it was easier to develop my skills!

Georgia (Y5)---I persevered at doing the jumps and I'm happy that I did it!

Athena (Y4)---I am inspired to carry on staking thanks to Jenna!

Nadina (Y5)---I didn't make it over the ramp the first time, but I tried again and suceeded which made me feel proud!

Partnership Cricket Finals WPCC (20th June)

A day after the orienteering at Marbury our 9 cricket finalists from Y5/6 visted Winnington Park cricket club for the partnership finals of the Kwik Cricket. Only 8 sides from the area made it this far, and with 3 going through to the regional final all was to play for. 

In our group we opened ip strongly with a win over Cuddington, restricting them to a low score before batting sensily and chasing down the win. In our next 2 games however we came up against strong sides from Wincham and Davenham and unfortunately fell to back to back defeats. This left us with 1 win and 2 defeats from our 3 games. With the other results though both Wincham and Cuddington had the same set of results so it all came down to runs scored. The team with the most would go through 2nd in the group with Davenham and have a shot at county finals! On this day though it wasn't to be us. We did finish on a high with a solid victory over St.Joseph's though in the 7th/8th play off. Well done to all the team for their consistent positive attitude and for representing the school so well!

Orienteering @Marbury Park (19th June)

Twelve lucky Y6 children represented the school this week at the Northwich and Winsford schools orienteering competiton. With a later time slot we were able to enjoy a packed lunch at the park before competing. Altogether 2 teams of boys and 2 of girls completed the course.

Overall the boys finished 14th and 17th out of 28 teams,and the girls 11th and 14th out of 29 teams. The scores were very close with small margins separating lots of the teams at the top. Weill done everyone!

Y3/4 VRSSP Tennis Tournament (13th June)

This was hosted by Hartford Tennis club and saw 29 different teams compete for the overall victory. Our team of Edward Smalley, Charlie Fitzsimmons, Poppy Evans and Neve Hancock all contributed and played superbly. Ultimately they were unlucky to be defeated in the final by just a few points but 2nd place in a tough competition is still a fantastic achievement! Well done all of you!

Northwich Schools Swimming Gala (9th June)

We arrived at the pool with 8 fantastic swimmers from years 4,5 and 6. The team of 4 boys and 4 girls took part in a total of 13 races including individual heats for freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke, meldey events, relay events and a cannon event for the whole team. 

There were 10 teams in total, split into 2 heats of 5 schools. The schools were then awarded points on how quickly they swam against all the other schools. This meant that even if you won your heat, if all the schools in the other heat were quickest you would only be 6th out of 10 for that event. 

The children exhibited great strength in depth and were never out of the top 2 positions in any race in their heats (apart from 2 races at the start). The highlight win being the girls freestyle relay which was won by a fingertip in the last stroke! This consistence meant that we remained in the top 3 positions throught the whole tournament. In the end we finished joint 3rd with Delamere (we share the trophy, 6 months each!), with us only 2 points behind Norley in 2nd place, so very close. 

A huge well done to the 8 children who attended. Megan Pritchard, Cherry Gillett, Constance Scurry, Rachel Harrison, Daniel Harrison, Lukasz Koloziejski, Jacob Cliffe and JJ McManus. Their support and team work throughout was brilliant, also, with 6 of these children in years 4/5 the future looks promising for a strong performance again next year! Well done!

Y5/6 Kwik Cricket Competition 23rd May

On a lovely sunny afternoon we walked down from school to Weaverham Cricket Club to take part in the first stage of the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership competition. The game is played 8-a-side with all players bowling 1 over and all players batting in pairs for 2 overs. 

In our initial group we first came up against Hartford Primary. After a strong start we lost a few late wickets and finished with a score of 244. Hartford however had strong batters all through their line up and posted 271. A defeat to start, but it would improve. Next up we played one of the 2 Cuddington sides who had entered. A much better bowling performance saw us keep their score low, then, lead by some big shots from Charlie Bird, we scored 278 to record a big victory. After all the group games had finished the top 3 sides plus best 2nd placed team advanced to the semi finals. Our high scoring in game 2 secured us the best runner up spot and so we took on Cuddingtons 1st team in our semi-final. With 2 sides qualifying from the event to go through to the partnership finals this meant a win here would see us through. 

The team showed straight away they had learned from their first two games. Batting first our running was better as was our ability not to give away our wickets. Following some brilliant batting, including 4 sixes in an over from Cameron, we posted 269. Cuddington set about the chase well but our bowlers were consistent and it was close throughout. After we finished the final over it turned out they had also posted 269! It was a tie! As the sides couldn't be split both were allowed to progress to the partnership final in June where we will look to advance further again! Well done everyone!

Y3/4 Diamond Cricket Tournament at WPCC!

In glorious sunshire 11 children from years 3 and 4 travelled to Winnington Park Cricket club to take park in a tournament. There were 18 team taking part in total and the tournament was formatted to give the children lots of short games however there was no pathway to county or regional final for the winner.

Diamond cricket is played 8 a side with 4 players batting at once who run altogether in a diamond to the next set of stumps to score a run. Each set of 4 batsmen would face 14 balls then swap and the other 4 players on the team would face 14 balls. The opposition would then have the same 28 balls to try and score more runs whilst our 8 players fielded.

In our 1st match against Forest Street we batted first and there was plenty of strong hitting and quick running as we made 58 runs from our 28 balls. The opposition only managed 12 runs in their 28 balls so we secured a solid victory.

Game 2 was versus Little Leigh. We batted 1st again this time made 35 runs in our innings. Little Leigh made a slow start but unfortunately a few over throws late in their innings meant that they also managed to make 35 runs and we drew.

Game 3 we played St. Wilfrids. More strong batting and confident running saw us post 57 runs and coupled with some excellent catching we restricted the opposition to just 11 runs and recorded victory number 2.

Our last game was against Davenham. Batting first yet again we posted 36 runs from our 28 balls. Although not our best of the day it was a score that would have won all our previous games. It was not to be however as some late bit hitting saw Davenham creep over the line with a score of 38 and condemn us to our only defeat. 

I was very impressed with the cricket skills on show and some of the communication and leadership from the older boys. It was also great to have several supportive and positively enthusiastic parents watching from the sidelines cheering us on. I will be putting some flyers in the school foyer so if your child in interested in taking up cricket this summer please ask them to take one.

School Sports Operating Crew---Activity week!

This week (April 30th until May 4th) the SSOC held their first event. The Crew, made up of Erin, Martha, Joe and Joseph from Year 6 and Rachel and Ryan from Year 5, set up hoola hooping and skipping stations every day at break and lunchtime for anyone to attempt. The challenge, to see how many you could do in 1 minute. 

After a week of activity (and good weather) we had well over 100 children take part and the winners were!

EYFS/KS1 most skips=Caelen (Y2)

KS2 most skips=Yvonne (Y6)

EYFS/KS1 most hoola hoops=Makysmilian (Y2)

KS2 most hoola hoops=Charlie (Y5)

Most active class EYFS/KS1=Y2 (607 skips/hoops)

Most active class KS2=Y4 (1799 skips/hoops).

Most active house EYFS/KS1=St. Bernadette (256 hoops/skips)

Most active house KS2=St John Paul (1973 hoops/skips)

Most active house overall=St John Paul (2220 hoops/skips)

WELL DONE TO ALL INVOLVED! We look forward to running the event next half-term to see if children can better their own scores and to see if we can be more active as a school!

Cluster Dodgeball Competition - 02nd May 2018

Sixteen children from Years 5/6 travelled to represent the school in the cluster dodgeball competition at St. Nicholas. The tournament was very quick fire with each team playing 3 short matches against their opponents and then adding up the scores from the 3 contests to see who won had overall.

We had two teams compete. One team in each of the pools. Both sides had victories and defeats across their games and in the end we finished 3rd and 5th in our respective pools. Congratulations to all the children who represented the school, especially those who were trying the sport for the first time. As always your behaviour and attitude was exemplary!

Partnership Cross-Country Finals - 19th April 2018

After school on Thursday 10 runners from KS2 made the short journey to Winsford Academy to compete in the Vale Royal school partnership cross country final. Have qualified 2nd in our cluster to reach the final our 10 runners; Lana Booth, Cameron Oakes, Rachel Harrison, Erin Carney, Neve Hancock, Charlie Lawson, Charlie Bird, Edward Smalley, Charlie Crump and Kyran Higginbotham travelled in hope of success.

The weather was scorching but after several previous days of rain the ground under foot was boggy. This combination made the running condition very tricky. The girls ran first and were superb, with Lana claiming 2nd, Erin 6th and Cameron 7th. The boys were fantastic too with Kyran claiming 12th place overall despite only being in year 4 and competing against much older children.

Once the overall scores were adding up we ended up a brilliant 3rd out of all the schools that had qualified. Amazing effort from all involved. Well done!

Girl's Football - 5th October 2016

On Wednesday night, Ashleigh, Eliza, Holly, Scarlett, Annabel, Abbi, Sofia, Lucy and Megan were the GIRLS FOOTBALL team winners of the tournament. As we all gathered around Mrs Langton (our coach), we discussed our tactics and our starting formation. As the whistle blew, we stared the match off with excitement. BANG! The match had started and Ashleigh had booted the ball towards Scarlett then passed to Eliza back to Ashleigh. She shot at the goal and BOOM! We all ran over to Ashleigh to celebrate our first goal! At the end of the match we ended up with 4-0 with Ashleigh the captain with 3 goals and Scarlett with 1 goal. What a match that we won.

The next match began. We started off really well with our excellent defenders tackling everyone who came past and booted the ball up the pitch and with a brilliant strike by Ashleigh we scored another goal. The ball got kicked to the defenders again and Holly slipped and BOOM she was on the floor. Scurrying quickly over to her in shock, we took her off. Carrying on with the game we ran up the pitch and the ball was struck to the back of the net, what a goal. The results were in.  It ended up 2-1 to us. What a tournament this had been. We then went over and sat down to find out the results from Mrs Reid -the person who organised it - and she announced the winners. With all of us trembling in fear she said:

“The winners are… St Bede’s!” We all ran over to Mrs Langton and we all shouted “WE WON! YAY!” And found out we were going through to the finals.


High 5 Netball - 9th November 2016

On Wednesday the 9th of October, year 6 attended a netball tournament at St Nicholas Catholic High School. There were some death-defying matches from 5-0 wins to 2-0 loses, since some of the other teams were quite good. As well as this, we came a close second place with St Mary’s beating us at 2-1 on golden goal! And we’re here to tell you all about it…

First up was St Bede’s B winning a massive 4-0 win against St Joseph’s. It was an amazing game. Next was St Bede’s A losing an unfortunate game 2-0 to St Mary’s A as they had great tactics and strategy. After a long wait, St Bede’s B were back on again winning another match smashing St Wilfred’s B 5-0.  Up next were St Bede’s A winning huge 5-2 against St Wilfred A.

As the points rolled in it turned out St Bede’s B were going to the finals with St Marys! The first goal came from the opposing team-St Marys just before quarter time. The next two quarters there were no goals, and then in the last minutes St Bede’s SCORED!!! The game was done but there could only be one winner. So, it came to the first goal wins.  Sadly, Mary’s scored and the game was over but we had an amazing experience and can’t wait to play again!  


Sportshall Athletics - 11th January 2017

A team of 24 children took part in this event. Competiting in both track and field events, the children showed great sporting ability. Our overall placing was 2nd with a total of 122 points. However, we had some children that finished as overall winners:

Speed Bounce - Honor - 54 jumps

Chest Push - Ben & Toby - 7m

Javelin - Haydn - 22m

Well done!

Quicksticks Hockey - 25th January 2016

The children did really well this afternoon and behaviour, as always, was impeccable. The two teams were split into two pools and played 3 games each.

The year 5s games went as follows:

1:1 v St Mary's 

0:0 v St. Wilfrid's 

0:1 v St Joseph's

The year 6 games went as follows:

1:0 v St. Wilfrid's 

0:0 v St. Joseph's 

0:1 v St. Wilfrid's 

Year 6 got through to the semi-finals on goal difference (coming 2nd in their pool) but lost 0:1 to St. Wilfrid's 1. The tournament was won by St. Joseph's 1 who beat St. Wilfrid's 1 2:0 in the final. Miss Reid said the overall standard of the Hockey was superb with some really good skills and play.

Cross Country - 8th February 2017

A team of athletes from Years 3 - 6 took part in a cross country competition at St Nicholas High School. The standard was fantastic! Our top four girls were placed 1st, 2nd, 5th and 14th.Our top four boys were placed 3rd, 10th, 13th and 24th. With our combined total of 72 points we finished in second place overall. We have now been invited to take place in the Level 2 cross country competition in the Summer term.

Dodgeball - 3rd May 2017

A fantastic team of 8 year 5 and 6 children took part in a dodgeball competition at St Nicholas Catholic High School. Together, they showed fantastic team work and determination! They missed out on getting to the semi-finals by only a few points, drawing or winning all but 1 game.

Contact Us

St Bede's Catholic Primary School

Keepers Lane, Weaverham,
Northwich, Cheshire

01606 852149


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