Our School Day
8.45 Doors open
8.55 Registration for all pupils
10.25/10.45 Morning Break KS1/KS2
12.00 Lunchtime (Key Stage 1)
12.20/30 Lunchtime LKS2/UKS2
1.00 Afternoon lessons begin (Key Stage 1)
13.10/20 Afternoon lessons LKS2/UKS2
14.30 Afternoon Break (FS/Key Stage 1 only)
15.25 Home time
If you need to notify us of your child's absence, please do so as soon as possible (we have an answering machine if you phone out of hours). If we do not hear from you we are obliged by law to contact you.
If you have arranged for someone other than yourself to collect your child, please communicate this information to the adult on the door in the morning or via your child's diary.
Daily Collective Worship:
Monday - Whole school Gospel Assembly
Tuesday - Hymns
Wednesday- Key Stage Worship
Thursday - Individual class Celebration of the Word
Friday - Whole School Celebration Assembly