Our Mission Statement - vision and values
Our purpose is to develop learning in a Christian, caring environment and to promote the Catholic faith.
Inspiring independent learners with Jesus by our side
Pride ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Challenge ~ Curiosity
Our aim is:
- To enable everyone within the school to develop their full potential - spiritually, academically, socially and physically.
- To provide a high quality education which promotes the most desirable attitudes, values, skills and understanding.
- To foster the Catholic faith of the school community through prayer, worship and liturgy and to encourage and develop links with the family and the parish.
- To promote moral issues - justice, care, forgiveness, respect, self-discipline and to value the importance of relationships both within school and in the wider community.
- To promote equal opportunities by acknowledging and respecting the needs of individual children and by celebrating their achievements.
- To maintain school improvement through critical appraisal and the pursuit of challenging targets.